

Jul 29, 2023

HerdWhistle UHF RFID cattle tags available

Jun 14, 2022

HerdWhistle Technologies Inc. ("HerdWhistle") Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) RFID ear tags are officially available on the U.S. CattleTrace Tag Store. The cattle tags feature an extended read range of over 30ft and an embedded RFID chip for long lasting retention.

U.S. CattleTrace is a not-for-profit corporation with a goal to develop a national infrastructure for disease traceability across the U.S. cattle industry. The initiative places a heavy focus on UHF RFID technology as a means to collect data and use it to trace outbreaks back to the source. HerdWhistle's new product line of UHF RFID ear tags was a natural fit on the company's store.

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The U.S. CattleTrace Tag Store is open to both the public as well as its growing membership base. The store features a wide selection of UHF and Low Frequency ear tags in various styles.

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HerdWhistle UHF RFID ear tags come in both a one-piece and two-piece design for use on feedlots and ranches. They are flexible and durable to withstand the rough conditions of a cattle farm. Every tag has the option for custom laser printed numbering and graphics. Each tag flows through a quality control process to ensure maximum reliability for the customer.

HerdWhistle ear tags are live on the U.S. CattleTrace store now, where all members are eligible for a 20% discount:

About HerdWhistle Technologies Inc.

HerdWhistle provides beef producers with clear visibility and data-driven decisions to improve cattle performance. Each solution provides feedlot and cow-calf operators with remote herd management and precision monitoring of individual cattle. Data science neural network models are trained daily with millions of data points to produce recommendations to drive actions.

Source: HerdWhistle, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.

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About HerdWhistle Technologies Inc.